These are the books I’m enjoying this week! I deliberately choose the word ‘enjoy’ since actually reading a book is not always the only way to love and savor books! Looking at photos in gorgeous coffee table size volumes is an obvious way, but I also use books for art journaling; altering books by giving them a second life. 🙂

From top left:
Journal Spilling by Diana Trout -wonderful to just let your mind flow away; colors and creativity. Love the pictures.
My project: preparing a rescued and unwanted book with gesso (whitening the pages to make it a base for art journaling)
Nina av en slump (Nina par hasard) by Michele Lesbre
Collage workbook by Randel Plowman – a library order; like a bag of candy! Collages were big as I grew up but it is still fun!
Välkommen till virkligheten by Annika Messing – I’ve done lots from this crochet pattern book and a robot has to be finished tomorrow 🙂
Cracks in my foundation by Marian Keyes – I love Marian’s short stories. What can I say. Also perfect in lenght before bedtime when there’s also twitter …
Third Culture Kids by David C. Pollock and Ruth E. Van Reken – TCK gurus. Use it in life and work; always something to come back to every now and then; hence always out on the desk.
Så gör jag. Konsten att skriva by Bodil Malmsten – This is a book I like. Phenomenal and very modern visual content; anecdotes about writing and lots of related material. Creatively done. Not just text.
Allt om trädgård by Marie & Björn Hansson et al. – one of my best books on all things garden. Colors and info!