Swedes and our precious weather talk #10

Swedes like to talk about the weather. Or do we really? I mean, the weather in Sweden itself is usually not very fun. To me it´s more like a mandatory subject as small talk. Sometimes I think we resort to climate talk when we don´t know what else to say. Because silence can be awkward, even though Swedes are known for not being bothered by that. Tonight weather has been brought up four times in my life. First, a dad on the door, picking his son up from play date. Then a mom, picking her daughter up. After dinner I started on a couple of blog posts related to the topic (don´t want to repeat the word again). Later I received an email from a Swedish expat friend – we exchanged weather status. Of course!

I honestly don´t think it would have been such a big deal had we had more of the really good weather here. As an expat I loved being able to relax about it. There was no stress going outside, or going to the lake. There would be nice days, sooner rather than later.

Can´t wait to see what the weather will be like tomorrow!!

Just kidding.

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