New year, new challenges – new Swedish lessons via Skype?

New year, new challenges – new Swedish lessons via Skype?

New year, new challenges! Some people plan way ahead, some don’t. Perhaps this is the year you are going to treat yourself to learning something new, or to kick things up a notch when it comes to something you have basic knowledge in. There is just something so fulfilling  to acquiring new knowledge. It can be small or it can be big, but it usually opens up new doors and worlds!

I for one have signed up for tennis lessons starting this week. Yes I can play tennis, but I want to get better at it, and to have more fun playing it. I am looking forward to have a personal trainer to surprise me with exercises I never would have thought of on my own; to provide tips and tricks to make learning and playing fun; to challenge and correct me, and to suggest enhancements and areas of improvement. Not to mention just the actual playing! I am sure this will raise my confidence when playing with others, and also make it happen on a frequent basis!

What about your Swedish language? Are you currently learning or hoping to start soon? Do you have a plan for the first half of 2014 set up already? Perhaps you are already in a program but don’t really feel you are learning the right things. Speaking – or using the language – for instance. Look again at the paragraph above describing my tennis lessons. Now think of it as a private Swedish language class, via Skype! This is what I am providing! Contact me at if you would like to know more. You can also read on here – Swedish lessons via Skype

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