Tag Archives: internet habits

Inspirational talk on children/parents and digital media

Two days ago I participated in a seminar on social media. Again the discussion on kids and the internet arose. It probably does with every new phenomenon. I read somewhere that it was the all same when radio started to broadcast. The discussions and fear of ruining the young were just the same. Of course we see it differently today – how could radio be harmful? The internet is an exposure on a whole different level. Not only personal safety is on the agenda but also the impact on health issues. We as parents are faced with new challenges compared to generations before us – we are the first generation to have absolutely no clue about what the future for our kids will hold.

To give you some food for thought and hopefully insights you can visit the open free lecture arranged by “Föräldrar emellan” in Kungsbacka. Micke Gunnarsson will talk about our changing world and digital media, and the impact hereof on children and their parents! The lecture is in Swedish. No need to sign up.

Thurs March 21st, 18.30-21 se link to Föräldrar emellan for details. Also in Swedish.
