Tag Archives: inredning

Expat home accessorizing – the unique touch

Living in a foreign country exposes you to new things; food, language, customs and rituals as well as people and sites – in one word; culture. Part of the culture are also items for your home, may it be decorations or gadgets. They might be beautiful or downright ugly, but they fascinate you, intrigue you or you just fall in love with them and purchase them to be part of your multi culture. Often this is done upon returning to your home country, or at least leaving the host country. It might be furniture, art objects, tacky tourist thingamabobs. Or simply items only found in the place you live right now. Like a Dalahorse or a cucko clock.

What have you incorporated when furnishing, decorating and accessorizing your home?

Me?  I have a giant Swiss cow bell hanging by the kitchen window.

Vårkrukor på engelska

På en av veckans Fun with English gjorde barnen sådan här härliga krukor! Temat för lektionen var våren och vi pratade om massa våriga saker: från blommor och fåglar och andra djur till vad vi gillar (och INTE gillar) att göra om våren. Färger, räkneord,  väder och standardfraser blandar vi alltid in. Och så lite sång och musik på det förstås!

inredning krukor English
Krukor på engelska