Moving abroad

Relocating a family is a large investment for a company as well as for a family; not only in capital but also in relationships and individuals. A happy settled and thriving family sets a solid foundation for the retention, attraction and quality of work of the employee.

No matter if in a state of pre-moving jitters, honeymoon euphoria or constant culture clashes it is important to be aware and perceptive of the emotional changes that come with moving abroad. To raise the awareness hereof is a huge step towards a successful foreign assignment. Finding the tools is even better.

Even repatriating is a challenge. Not many address this since “moving back home” sounds easy. Repatriation however is often a longer and tougher process than expatriation.

Offering private and group sessions, workshops and seminars we assist families and accompanying spouses that want to make the most out of their life in another culture. Whether still packing to leave or already busy with the daily life in the new country we support you by personal meetings or phone/Skype.



We work with identity losses and changing roles, relationships under stress, and how to stay resourceful. And of course, the children – the present and future effect of a transition, multiple languages and how to best support our precious ones!

Are you ready to turn your challenges into opportunities? Improve the life of your mobile family!


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Your moving abroad sidekick. Swedish lessons via Skype. Intercultural communication.