Category Archives: Swedish conversation class

How to start studying Swedish

Turn half of your lunch break into your personal classroom – learn Swedish with me via Skype, and spare yourself the evening trip to the language course. 30 minutes of communication, tips and pointers goes a long way when it comes to becoming a part of Sweden.

E-mail me for details. Tell me a little bit about why you are learning / want to learn Swedish, where you are from and where you currently live. Start studying Swedish with support.

Ogiltiga sedlar efter 30 juni 2016/ Invalid banknotes after June 30 2016

Efter den 30 juni 2016 blir tre av våra svenska sedlar ogiltiga. Följ länken nedan för att läsa mer, och kontrollera plånböcker och spargrisar! 
After June 30 2016 three of the Swedish banknotes will be invalid. Follow the link below to learn more and check your wallets and piggy banks!

There is also an app “kolla pengarna” which allowes you to keep track of timeline for banknotes/ coins changes and learn about the new ones. 

Gott nytt år!

Happy new year – gott nytt år! A big thank you to all my customers and supporters 2014.

The last Swedish class this year I gave this morning – on New years eve – and on Friday the 2nd I will have my first meeting 2015 with an expat family.

Gott nytt år!

Easter Craft Workshop in English

Looking forward to the Easter Craft Workshop in English for kids this week, arranged by Globatris. Conversation, singing, storytime and some serious craft!

Påskpyssel på engelska – ett roligt sätt att öva engelska för alla; denna vecka är det dock mindre barn som får chansen! Vi sjunger, pratar, pysslar och läser saga plus lite andra godbitar.

Glad påsk!