Travel notes

Travel notes

There is nothing like seeing new places, meeting new people and experience new situations to broaden your horizons. You learn not only about the world and its people but also about yourself. Moving abroad might be the ultimate test in this school of life, but traveling is excellent too! We carry memories for life, perhaps friendship or even love. We fill our cameras and smartphones with photos. Pictures are a great medium for remembering, but what about the written word? Do you keep travel notes? There are many travel blogs out there; perhaps a way for people to just keep notes. A simple note book (or a fancy one 🙂 ) will do to! As will of course digital tools.

Travel notes – why?

You might take notes to remember places, to describe sights. It can be for your eyes only or for your children who travel with you, or even for generations to come to discover. Sometimes when you write you see things more in detail. You notice the smells, the colors, the feeling you have at that point. How food tasted. Smell/taste in particular is hard to capture on a photo – yet.

The pen brings out an awareness on another level, at least in me. This does not mean I always take travel notes; not at all. But I am happy about the notes I have taken in the past. It is fun to read, and always surprising. I find things in my note books that I had totally forgotten about! Small situations, conversations or details. It is a sure trip down memory lane.

Taking notes is also a great way to see how you change yourself. I have previously written about taking early notes when you move abroad to savor the first impressions – after a while you won’t even notice the details you first found so striking.

Travel does not always have to be in real life though. You can travel by books and movies. Today we have fantastic means to travel online; videos, information and people. Connect and learn, take part in chats, follow country accounts on Twitter (Rotation Curation); share and ask! You can still take notes!

Tell me, do you take notes? Do you keep them in a note book or online? What do you do with them?

travel notes

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